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Fox News Under FBI Counterintelligence Investigation


Sources with links to the justice department report that Fox News is under an FBI counterintelligence investigation for co-ordinating with the Kremlin in broadcasting propaganda.

While the First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and journalistic freedom, sources say that signals intelligence gathered from so-called ‘incidental collection,’ such as NSA collection on Sputnik and Russia Today,  which is ongoing.

Specifically, Sean Hannity is on signals intelligence co-ordinating his pro-Trump message with organs of the Russian state, such as RT, Sputnik, Wikileaks and Julian Assange. However, emails co-ordinating messaging with registered agents of the Russian state are said to exist from more shows than that of Sean Hannity.

Furthermore, sources familiar with the matter say that the FBI is actively considering a referral to the FCC, in addition to any criminal prosecutions that may result for individuals not registering under FARA for coordinating with official agents of the Russian state.

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A great many of Fox News’ employees, anchors and executives have reported fearlessly on Trump and Russia, including Shep Smith. The problems appear to be executive based and systemic, these sources say, and a referral to the FCC is being considered. The First Amendment protects journalistic freedom, but systemic and repeated coordination with official organs of the Russian state is regarded as knowing collaboration with an enemy attack on America. Referral to the FCC is an option under consideration at a corporate level, sources report, and prosecutions for chief malicious actors, in particular Sean Hannity, are probable, these sources say.

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