The Curious Case of the March for Truth And The Bulgarian Hacker

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Social media and its use by American traitors working for Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin is suddenly a hot topic in the mainstream media.

Here I present a short report that is not based on sources, but rather on open-source intelligence, or OSINT, that readers may verify for themselves with links I shall provide in the text. This is offered as a raw intelligence report and I cannot draw a definite conclusion from the facts I report here, other than to suggest it is worth a look by investigators into social media efforts to influence American conversation online.

There appears to be an odd commonality among various ‘Resistance’ groups that ostensibly oppose Donald Trump, and do not admit to being linked to each other.

There also appears to be a commonality between at least one node on this graph, and websites owned and run by General Mike Flynn, who, along with his son, is being investigated for treason with Russia.

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The common factor in these cases is that, at one time or another, websites registered by these various entities appear to have shared hosting by a very obscure provider located in Bulgaria.

The second commonality is that sites owned by an admin connected to General Mike Flynn’s company, and ‘Resistance’ sites, shared hosting by a particular block run out of Wasilla, Alaska, and owned by Level 3 Communications, an internet giant.

Despite the fact that Level 3 Communications is indeed a giant provider, the specific block located in Wasilla, Alaska, on which the ‘Resistance’ and Flynn-linked websites were both hosted, was very small, and hosted a mere handful of sites.

I will also report on the reaction from ostensibly anti-Trump persons and accounts to my questions over these shared hosting links.

Different ‘Resistance’ Accounts and Groups Share an Obscure Host

This blog exclusively broke the news both that Wikileaks had obtained Russian servers a week before the release of the DNC’s emails, and that Julian Assange had provided the SSL keys to Wikileaks to that company, Hostkey, run by the Russian hacker and spammer Peter Chayanov.

I asked the author of the first piece, Laurelai Bailey, a data scientist, to make her work understandable to a general audience and not to include too many technical details. She and I were nonetheless bombarded by friends of Russia online looking to rubbish her entirely accurate work.

This blog also exclusively broke the news, again, in a piece by Laurelai Bailey, that Sean Spicer had tweeted out what most people would think of as a bitcoin password. The technical term is, I am told, “identity confirmation code”, but again, I asked Laurelai to use simple terms non-techies would get. Her (entirely correct) work again brought on a lot of abuse.

One man that brought himself to my attention was Christopher Bouzy, on Twitter. He wrote a rebuttal piece, and tweeted a lot of demonstrably wrong denials, such as “You cannot wash money through a botnet” [sic].

I was surprised by Mr. Bouzy’s vehemence and started to look at his Twitter account and thereafter the registrations on his websites.

This Host Links ‘The Resistance’, Bitcoin Expert Bouzy, And A 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist

One of Mr. Bouzy’s websites, since deleted, was hosted with a Bulgarian hacker, Marian Marinov. The site was called ‘Bycdns. com’.

I was struck to find that ostensibly ‘Resistance’ websites, which by rights should have no connection with each other, had also used this provider as a host at one time or another.

The fake Twitter account @RoguePotusStaff had pushed a website listed by ‘March for Truth’, a verified Twitter account.

potus winning .jpeg

Rogue POTUS was fond of slamming James Comey while saying ‘POTUS is winning’ and pushing a coordinated line of despair about America and the Trump Russia investigation.

msrThe website was ‘TellYourReps .com’. (I am not providing direct links to the websites as I fear they may carry malware.)


Now this site, Tell Your Reps. com, was also hosted by the identical Bulgarian provider. Rather suspiciously, it was being promoted by a troll Russian account that had previously promoted Tulsi Gabbard’s support of Assad, and the website was registered on June 24th, 2016 the date of the Trump-Russia second Treasonmeeting in Scotland, where, we have reported, Russia and Trump did the deal to undermine America’s elections and voting system in exchange for help with hacking.

Finally, a third website that ought to have no connection to Mr. Bouzy or to ‘March for Truth’ wound up on this provider as well. WhoWhatWhy dot com, the site founded by the anti-Bush conspiracy theorist Russ Baker, was at one time also hosted by Mr. Marinov’s company.

[Russ Baker’s book] Family of Secrets contends that the first President Bush became an intelligence agent in his teenage years and was later at the center of a plot to assassinate Kennedy that included his father, Prescott Bush, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, CIA Director Allen Dulles, Cuban and Russian exiles and emigrants, and various Texas oilmen.[1] It asserts that Bob Woodward of The Washington Post was an intelligence agent who conspired with John Dean to remove President Richard Nixon from office for opposing the oil depletion allowance.[1]

Baker “is not willing to rule out the possibility that the bombings were a false-flag operation conducted or permitted by elements of the American government in order to justify the Homeland Security complex.” He argues that FBI recruited the Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev as an agent or informant, which the FBI has categorically denied.[4][27]

In March 2010, he appeared before the “Treason in America Conference,” a gathering of Sept. 11 truthers. … Baker “sounded open to the possibility that 9/11 was an inside job.”[4]


Mr. Baker has connections to Russia, having appeared on, the channel run by Russian intelligence, who have recently registered under FARA.

WhoWhatWhy is, therefore, a strange bedfellow, ostensibly, for the ‘March For Truth’ and that in turn is a strange bedfellow for Mr. Bouzy.

Malware Dropping IPs

Lastly, I note that many of the IPs on which each of these sites have been hosted are listed as malware droppers.

Links Between Mr. Bouzy’s Sites, General Mike Flynn, And Russian Botnets

As Patribotics has exclusively reported, General Mike Flynn is under investigation for co-ordinating Russia’s attack on the entire West through social media.

As we have also exclusively reported, the Kelhios botnet was run out of command and control servers operating from Trump Hotels, and Peter Levashov, the indicted hacker, was paid by Team Trump.

Now I can report a further link between all three of these. It is a server out of Wasilla, Alaska, run by Level 3 Communications, a giant provider. The host itself is however discrete, and fairly small, with 256 addresses in that specific block.

  1. Mike Flynn’s website was hosted there

General Flynn was on the advisory board of a paid group ‘The Intelligence Community’. It featured Naveed Jamali, my source for my FISA story, as an ‘OSINT Analyst’.

intel1 intel 2

One of the sites it owned and registered was “OSINT maps dot com“. This site was hosted  on Level 3’s Wasilla, Alaska server.

Osint ip

I am told that this IP address was “being used as a command and control server for known malware”. Thank you General Flynn!

2. Mr. Bouzy’s website, Charmzi dot com, was hosted there:charmzi .jpeg

This *former* IP of Charmzi is, I am told, presently acting up:  “ is participating in malicious activity, and is confirmed to be hosting exploit code, malware, trojans, spyware and other malicious tools”.

3. Dante Jimenez, who is listed as running  Russian botnets on Spamhaus, had a website that was hosted there: clickmailer.jpeg

Now, as Mr. Jimenez is listed by Spamhaus as the fourth worst spammer in the world today, this may be thought to be quite the coincidence. A sub speciality of his is “providing hosting to Russian drug botnet spammers”.

Mr. Bouzy’s Reaction to Questions About His Website Hosts

I draw no firm conclusions but note the odd coincidence. One thing that does raise alarms, though, is Mr. Bouzy’s reaction when I asked him about his hosting, both with Marian Marinov and with Level 3 in Wasilla.

I asked him:

I’m going to write up your Marian Marinov hosting. Any comment as to why you use Get Clouder and Bulgarian hackers, same as Rogue / Baker?

He replied:

Louise, unlike the other people you lie about, I will seek legal action against you. I was born and raised in NYC…and all it will take is just a phone call to keep you tied up in court for the next several years. And I promise you I will not be alone. There will be several others willing to seek legal action as well. The last time I made you a promise, over 14 outlets wrote about you and your fake news, and that just took a couple of quick emails. So, do not start something you are not willing to finish…because I am not the one. I suggest you go back to writing fake news about Trump, and leave me out of your nonsense.

A twitter ally of mine then asked him:

So, you’re admitting to organizing a coordinated effort to discredit because your domains were linked to a Bulgarian hacker? How interesting

Mr. Bouzy replied:

I am admitting that 5 minutes of my time resulted in journalists focusing on Louise. Now imagine what I will do if I devote more of my time.

Naturally I was rather interested to learn that Mr. Bouzy claimed to have emailed journalists to coordinate smears on me and my work. I shall be exploring this claim with the organizations and my lawyers once Trump is indicted. I do not know if he was telling the truth about the pieces he claimed to have organized, but his claims included articles, which he helpfully counted out for me, in the week of May 21st. These included the Australian, Salon, Business Insider, Mediaite, and others. 4 articles

Mr. Bouzy had threatened me on May 17th with the ominous threat “winter is coming” which he was good enough to repeat to me on this occasion:

bouzy winter.jpeg

Despite Bouzy’s threats to repeat this smear campaign in the press and his repeated statements that “Winter is coming”

If scared = amused and entertained by you and Louise, than you are correct. But like I once told Louise, Winter is coming

I have nonetheless reported on his hosting arrangements, which appear to me to merit further scrutiny.

I did warn her Winter is coming… More articles are on the way. She is getting trumped. 🙂

Mr. Bouzy was right in one regard. I did indeed persist, mostly because everything I have reported, including the Bitcoin/Spicer article Bouzy jumped in to attack, is true.

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